
Sunday, 2 September 2012

PSC Panzer IVs Finished

Good evening,

Here, finally, are my three Panzer IVs all done and dusted.

If you look carefully you may noticed that I applied the camo on the rear of their turrets so that if you line them up in the correct order (which I haven't done here) it'll spell "NIK"! Lame I know, but... :-)

I went base coat, stripes, Badab black wash, base coat dry brush with some mud dry brushed on last of all.

The wash gives them a dirty, oily look, the dry brush atop makes them look a bit dusty. least they've got the worn look. Sans scratches...

The only decals I had were sent over from John (Jacksarge) in Aus, the numbers being 101, 111 and 112 respectively. After a bit of research, the Germans seemed to number their Pz IVs somewhere between the mid 600s and mid 800s (though don't quote me on that), so I tried to change the 1s into 7s. With varying degrees of success. Consider them applied in the field!

They won't win any awards, but hopefully...they'll win me some games! Though, with only three of them...more than enough for Crossfire, not enough for Spearhead. Unless I add them to Robin's three, then - bingo bango!

Oh yeah, I forgot those spare tracks...ah well, maybe later.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Fran. I've enjoyed putting them together.

      Great looking 15mm sci fi by the way. Lovely stuff!

  2. Good work.. I think I'll have to expand my own numbers if we are serious about this 20mm SH (as I am).. so first will come some more T34s for the Russians..

    I'll contact Stan once the infantry are done.. T34/76s for use mid war... should be nicely balanced I reckon..


    1. Thanks Robin.

      Umm, more Russian tanks...will we need more Germans armour as well? I've got a total of 4 PZ IVs (3 Hs and 1 F2) + 5 or 6 Tigers as well as 3 Stug IIIs (and 1 Stug III with a really really short barrel. Dunno what model that one is.) I've been thinking of getting a box of Armourfast Panthers...

  3. Awesome effort Nik...If that is your real name! They looking really nice and menacing.

    Sounds like a arms race is about to start!

    1. Cheers Paul. NIK had a more German feel to it than NIC...and besides, I'd need another five more PZ IVs to spell out my entire name! Ahh, but 8 Pz IV Hs...

      That's the trouble with this WW2 lark - there are always more vehicles to get!

  4. Superb, well painted, excellent addition

    1. Thanks Al. A bit late for your French, but there you go!

  5. Mate, you've done a great job with these, I like them a lot.
    What's next to do in the stash?

    1. Thanks John. Couldn't have completed them without your decals!

      What's next? I've got a second hand 6 pounder that I want to touch up, a couple more elements of Brit infantry (including two more HMG stands to make another Spearhead MG company), another 3" Mortar stand...and then finish those Sarmations!

  6. Great work Nick, I've got a bit of PSC stuff about too, but not any tanks yet...

    1. Thanks Monty. These tanks came together really nicely, I highly recommend them. I'm thinking of getting some of their Bren Gun Carriers when they're released.
