
Monday, 20 October 2014

Y Wing for the...

...oh, that's right...

Good evening,

Yesterday afternoon I took time out from planning for this week at school to pop back down to Comics for, hopefully, a pick up game to practice with the same list that I took last week.

Except I swapped out Squad Leader for Expert Handling.

Fortunately, I got there at the same time as Scott, so...we faced off one more time. With the same lists, as it happened. Nasty nasty TIE Phantoms with Heavy Laser Cannons....mutter, mutter....

Anyway, we lined up, and away we went.

Right from the outset, I was flying my own ships into each other...

...whereas Scott kept his in formation.

This was not an auspicious start for the afternoon.

Especially to loose Luke so early in the proceedings.

And then Wedge.

And finally Horton.


Lessons learnt? That the Phantom with a white K turn (so they can still use a Focus unlike the rest of us) and heavy laser cannons when matched up with Captain Jonus, who can give any of his mates within range 1 a re-roll on two of their attack dice makes for pretty much 4 guaranteed hits per Phantom. Yikes! So...try to split up that formation. Either go for Jonus, or one Phantom at a time...

Seeing as that game was over in the blink of an eye, we lined up and tried again. This time I tried trying to work around the outside in an effort to break up Scott's winning formation.

It didn't really work!

Although I did manage to Ion Jonus...

...which separated them a bit anyway. And at least I knew where he'd be next turn.

No rerolls for the Phantoms this turn. Huzzah!

Or any turn after, for that matter. Horrah!


...Luke still goes down in a screaming heap!


And there goes Wedge!

Double drats!

Man, even without re-rolls, these things are deadly!

And so...

...even with the occasional Ion shot...

...the writing was kinda on the wall!

Still, it was a fun game (have I mentioned that these games are very pretty?)

And, after a bit of a chat, some post game analysis, advice and internet searching, I've decided to go with a four ship list for the Regionals in a couple of weeks.

Initially, I thought about three Rookie Xs and a B with HLCs, but then realised that I don't have an official Heavy Laser Cannon card (I think it comes with the E Wing, of which I have none), so I am thinking...
  • Wedge (even though he'll be the first one gunned down) with Swarm Tactics and an R5 astro droid
  • Garven Dries - he uses his Focus token then gives it to...oh, hang on, to anyone of a lower pilot skill! Drats! I thought, if he was close enough to Wedge to have his own pilot skill upgraded he could then shoot first and then pass the focus to Wedge. Drats!
  • Blue Squadron B Wing pilot with an Ion Cannon
  • Prototype A Wing...'cause I haven't enough points for a Rookie X Wing.
Hmm, I may need to rethink that list...



Sweet! It might work after all!


  1. Speaking of Y-Wings, have you listened to The Star Wars Minute podcast? They're on hiatus for a while, but it's one of my favs.

    1. Thanks Andrew. No, I hadn't come across that podcast, I'll give it a listen or two.



  2. Great stuff - thanks for sharing! I managed to get in a very pretty 300 point game tonight, and my Y-Wings did me proud!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it Drax. I'd be keen to see your after action report. As it happens, I'm swapping out my Y Wing for a B, but keeping the ion turret for the Regionals next week.



    2. Sweet, I'll check it out. Thanks.
