Sunday 14 January 2018


Good evening,

Over the last two weeks I've been giving Army Painter Quickshade Dip a bit of a work out. It all started with some Galatians.

As I was pulling out my next two Macedonian [8]Pk elements, I thought that I'd quickly knock off an element of Galatian 4Wb that I had put aside as part of a Seleucid army. Quick undercoat of Dark Fleshtone, top coat of Elf Flesh, slap on some Quickshade - done. Well, mostly. You might notice that with two of these figures I then went back over with another layer of Elf Flesh, only to realise that actually, they looked better without it.

In my original figure selection I only had two Italeri naked Gauls left over, so I grabbed two half naked Esci figs to make up the quartet. While I painting these up, I thought...I must have two more naked Gauls somewhere... And low and behold, amongst the unpainted Gallic army that I based up ages back, there they were. So, after pulling them off their respective Warband elements... only seemed right to give those a quick lick of paint. If I was really keen, I'd go back and give those torques some paint...

And, since I was simply slapping on paint...Thracians!

I/48 Tracians
  • 1 x General (4Ax)
  • 2 x horsemen (LH) + 1 x peltasts (4Ax)
  • 4 x peltasts (3 Ax) + 2 x peltasts (Ps)
  • 2 x archers (Ps)
  • 1 x Camp Followers (Ps)

At the same time I used my more normal undercoat + one layer + top layer (no Quickshade) style to knock off another Greek Allied cav and Auxilia to add either to my Hoplite Greek or Macedonian armies.

Not bad for a couple of week's work!



  1. Great job Nick, did you see the quickshades are 44% off at MA?

    1. Thanks Mark. This stuff'll last me for quite a while, I think. Got it mostly for my 28mm KOW Skellies.

  2. Great Nick .... just gotta find the time to game with them eh? LOL

    1. Thanks Robin. What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?!

  3. Nice colors and great job Nick!

    1. Thanks Phil. In theory the cloaks should have intricate geometric patterns, way beyond me!

  4. Not bad, the least you can say :) The result is excellent, have you a game planned with this army ?

    1. Hi Phil. Thanks for you kind words. I'd love to have a game with them...I just have to coerce someone to join me!

  5. You are on a roll mate, great to see you getting in some painting in the school hols :-)

    1. Cheers John. Spent all the evening trying to figure out how to roll with Roll20. Think I've got the basics. Want to give it a go sometime?

    2. Until we get proper broadband infrastructure I only have limited internet per month. Who knows, maybe later in the year?
