Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Yet More Sarmatians

Good morning,

Here are the latest two Sarmatian elements.

Left to right...

  1. Converted Revell Praetorian atop an Italeri Mongol horse
  2. Converted Revell Praetorian atop an Italeri Mongol horse
  3. Evolution Sarmatian atop an Italeri Mongol horse
  4. Converted Revell Praetorian (with an Airfix Roman head) atop a HaT Late Imperial Roman Medium Cavalry horse
  5. An Italeri Mongol atop an Evolution Sarmation horse
  6. Converted Revell Praetorian atop an Italeri Mongol horse

I quite like the way the laminated horn armour turned out with this one

Look how big that dude is! He's one of the Evolution figs. Never noticed it 'till I looked up the Plastic Soldier Review review.

Note that I chopped out the plastic base of the HaT LIR Med Cav horse to cut him down to size, so to speak. This is how I kept it from falling over while the PVA dried.

Lastly, here are the two elements that I re-horsed earlier, complete with flocked bases.



  1. They look great Nick! Let me know on my blog if you want another box of Revell Praetorians. I've had one sitting around for about a decade and no idea what to do with it.

    1. Thanks Dux. Cheers for that offer too - if I ever find a heap of spare riders' legs I'll keep I in mind!

  2. They look excellent Nick...keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks John. Hope it's not getting too hot for you...fire wize...
