Sunday, 6 October 2013

Dora Doings Done...

...and the Thunderbolt's...fthingished?

Good evening,

Well, that was quick! Inspired on Tuesday, started on Thursday, finished on Sunday.

The Dora's done!

The decals are really, really thin...I kinda munted four of the crosses, and had to plonk these 'solid' ones on the sides instead.

Quite like the way the canopy came out - undercoat black, first coat black black grey, leaving black around the outside, then a top coat of black grey, with a smidge of grey grey black on top.

I also got the Thunderbolt finished.

Not quite so happy with this one - poor kit design has meant the nose has been glued on slightly askew, and some of the masking didn't work out quite as well as I'd like...and again, the decals were a bit fiddly, but I do like the way I glued the magnet to the plane so's it's banking on it's stand! And the silver does look grand...

So, there you go!



  1. The Dora came out trumps Nick well done. Despite the issues with the Thud its a handy piece of equipment to have circling your troops.

    Superb effort these holidays!

    1. Thanks Paul.

      Yeah, I am looking forward to deploying the Thud in support of my Kiwis in Italy.

      I've got 'till Wednesday to get the crew done for the Pak 40s.

  2. Just remember, should anyone mention it, that the slight angle on the nose was an experimental design to reduce the torque produced by a 2,535hp engine.

    1. Brilliant! Thanks, I'll point that out if indeed they do ask. They were a beast of an aeroplane. In a good way!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Al. In spite of my moanings, it does look cool! And hey - it's another wargame model all ready to go!

  4. They look great. I don't think I've built a plane since I was 12 years old, so I applaud your efforts. The painted canopy looks quite good and I don't notice the things you mentioned until you point them out.

    1. Thanks Sean. Yeah, I hadn't make any a/c since my teens until that Typhoon last year. 'Cause now I've got a reason to play with them, rather than just look at 'em!
