Monday, 3 February 2014

X Wing with Brucie. Game 3.

Good evening,

Now that term's started again (first day back today), and now that I've run out of paint for my silly city sabot shenanigans, I thought to finally get round to posting the next game that Bruce and I battled a few weeks back.

Now where were we? Oh, that's right. The previous evening we had played two 50 points game. He won the first, I the second.

The following afternoon, seeing we were both on holiday, he came round and we had a couple more of games, this time 100 points worth.

I was keen to try out my B Wing again, so I took Wedge Antilles, Ten Numb and a Rookie X Wing Pilot.

Bruce took Darth Vader, Soontir Fel, Night Beast and Dark Curse.

And so it began.

I felt Soontir to be the greatest threat, so sent the two X Wings after him, while hoping that the B Wing's thick hide would keep it alive in the mean time.

As it happened, Soontir screamed up, did a U turn (or K turn in X Wing parlance) and flew along side Wedge!

We soon turned into the centre to mix things up a little.

Much to Soontir's detriment!

Meanwhile I thought to unleash the awesome power of some advanced proton torpedoes...

Oh please! Useless!

Having dealt to Soontir, the next threat was Darth Vader. Wedge took him on.

And both of them came off a little worse for wear. All shields were stripped this turn! Indeed, if memory serves, Wedge was also stripped down to one remaining hull point. Gulp.

Next turn, and our two respective heroes are still gunning for each other.

But not for long! As both were pilot skill 9, they both dispatched each other at the same time!

And then there were two. On each side.

Unfortunately, after some double team action...

...the Rookie pilot was blasted into oblivion.

And, seeing as the B Wing flies in much the same way that bricks don't... was just a matter of time.

Ten Numb's cause was not helped by Night Beast's green-manoeuvre-actioned-free-focus, and Dark Curse's you-can't-spend-focuses-or-re-rolls-when-attacking-me ability. Those two working in concert meant I could near'y lay a finger on either of them! A very effective combination indeed.

Well played Bruce. Well played.



  1. Well you cannot expect to win them all Nick. Nice post.

    1. Cheers Paul. Still, I've had a good run of late! Got a HOTT event this coming Saturday, so...I expect that'll be the end of the good weather!
