Sunday 8 January 2017

Works In Progress

More Orcs...and a Sparatican. Sparatacii?


Good evening,

Here is my first Orc KoW regiment.

As you can see, there's quite an eclectic selection in there.
  • Second hand GW, 
  • Second hand wayyy, wayyy out of production GW, 
  • Milton Bradley Heroquest figures and even...
  • One Mantic Great Ax...
...since, as I'm basing them 16 to a regiment instead of the suggested 20, I had four leftover thereof. Which then spun out my total number of Orcsess to fill out three whole regiments. Sweet!

Apart from these two...

...which were already finished to a very high standard (you should see the Standard Bearer), the bulk of these figures were purchased undercoated and roughly block painted (apart from my Heroquest figs from way, way back...), so haven't taken very long to touch up. These dudes were so much easier than my Parthians!

Speaking of 20mm, here is my next element for my Spraticus army. Sparaticus hisself, this time dismounted.

Upon further reflection, he should be on a Hero's actually just a Blade with stolen gear!
