Wednesday, 23 October 2013

PAK 40s Finished

Good evening,

Finally put the finishing touches on my PAK 40s.

Now I can PAK them away! Geddit?!


By the way, I watched this while I was making Room 2's writing this evening...

I had heard that German civilians were having a rough time, but I really had no idea. Fascinating look at the Michael Offensive and the Turks too.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Panzers. Will they never end?!

Good afternoon,

While looking around for something to do other than painting up those Persians(!), I thought, well, those Italeri Pz IIIs that I've got, well, they're quick build.

I thought I might be able to get away with making them fit both the Greek campaign, and early Russian.

After further investigation, by the time Barbarossa started, they'd all been up-gunned to the 50mm, but what little evidence I could find, they invaded Greece sporting the nifty 37mm gun. Some even sans 'basket'.

So, as I couldn't really get away with using them for both fronts, and as my main WW2 interest is with the 2NZ Div...Greece it was.

Though I expect that it'll be it for a while. Got to start cranking out reports shortly...


Interesting Stuff

Good morning,

Just read this about the remaining evidence of the storming of Omaha Beach.

Interesting stuff.


Friday, 11 October 2013

One HOTT Spring Night - Game Three

Right. Two down, time to put those silly Knights away and pick up some good old fashion Spear.

Release the...Hoplite Greeks!

  • 1 Spear General
  • 7 Spear
  • 1 Rider
  • 2 Lurkers
  • 1 God - Ares. He may look familiar...

I'm the defender again, so I set up some more rough going to limit the width of the battle space, and away we went.

Robin also changed armies - VSF Brits.

  • 1 Blade General
  • 1 Blade
  • 2 Shooters
  • 4 Riders
  • 2 Flyers
  • 1 Behemoth - a Steam Giant

I tried to delay his cavalry-held flank with my one rider (!), while trying to push forward with the strength of my army, the men in bronze. And linen. There's even one in leather...

Unfortunately, Robin also pushed forward his mobile assets on his left. Flyers. To which I had no answer. Bother.

Just then Ares hisself decided to turn up to strengthen my left. Cool!

And in piled my centre...

While Robin's Shooters sprang my Sneakers.

To good effect!

At about that time, Robin's darsterdly Flyers, well, flew up behind one of my valiant Spears.

But he lived!

On the other flank, Ares was holding his own...

...until he decided to, well, beedle off!

Blimmin' Gods!

Still, at least my pointy stick'd wonders were dealing to the enemy.

Unfortunately, they weren't the only ones with pointy sticks. Robin dealt out some bayonet'd justice himself.

Things weren't going so well around the edges either.

At least I was doing better in the centre.

So there we were, both down 10 points. If either of us were to lose one more element, it'd be all over.

And in flew Robin's remaining flyer...

...and well, err...

...still, a jolly good time was had by all!

Thanks for the evening Robin, and the coffee.


Oh, and this just in... Robin's version can be read here.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

One HOTT Spring Night - Game Two

Good afternoon,

Well, after being done over in the last game, I tried again with the Sarmatians. This time I was the defender, so I thought to restrict the width of the field a touch...

...through the expedient of placing a wood on one flank, and steep hills on the other.

Time I swapped out a Knight for a couple of Lurkers to help out in the rough going. And I placed a couple of local reserves for when my flanks got into a spot of bovver.

Robin's army stayed the same.

Nasty, nasty dragon...

Anyway, in we went again...

Ok, so far, so good. Then Robin throws a six, calls up the dragon, and, well...

...flies it in behind my General. So, when he gets pushed back, seeing as how he was double overlapped...

...aww man!

That's the second game you've lost me!

I'm beginning to wonder if plonking a Knight General in the front row is a good idea...
