Well, I came, I saw, I...got my bottom handed to me on a plate!
Today was the much anticipated HOTT Day in July tourney at the Christchurch Wargaming Club, organized by Robin Sutton. Eight players with armies ranging from my 20mm Raetian Goblins to 15mm WW2 German and Lost World to [Age of Mythology Board Game ~20mm] Mythical Norse to 28mm Classical Indian, Dwarf, Goblin and Victorian Sci Fi, all based up for the 25mm game.
Four tables with pre-set terrain, four games each, 3 points for the win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss. At the risk of posting a spoiler for the upcoming battle reports (which will be coming over the next week or so), my grand total was...0!
Still, it was a great day out, lots of fun, and I managed to give Tony the best couple of games that he's had for a while!
My biggest surprise? That mounted can run down Beasts (opps! I should have read the rules!), and the number of Shooters and flyers people took, to which I really had no reply. Half my army was mounted, designed as it was to go up against it's historical foe, the Early Imperial Romans!

More soonish,
Looking forward to more photos and reports Nick.. glad you enjoyed it.
And enjoy it I did! That was the first whole day's gaming in ages.
ReplyDeleteI've got another 150 or so photos to add, so its going to take a while.
My wolves turned out to be more fragile than I thought. I think I would have been better served with more Horde - they stood up to the shooters remarkably well.
Thanks for pulling it together for us Robin.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome.. I think that if i do it again, I'll need to be a little better organised. My communication let me down, and perhaps i should have had a prize for first in addition to the trophy.. Hmm
I've had such a busy/frantic term that I wasn't able to give it the time I should have... oh well, all over for now!!
Thanks for playing
BTW.... I thought the wolves/beasts were fantastic.. maybe some riders, or perhaps a spear or two (or even a couple of blades) would have made the difference.. I'm not sure it was more Hordes the army needed.
ReplyDeleteEither way it was a hard army to use, I thought.
Thanks again
Hi Robin,
ReplyDeleteWho'd be a teacher eh?
My wolves kept being shot or rode down, so next time I'd take less of them and replace them with more Horde. Trying to keep with the 'Historical Flavour' of the army and all that - many Hordes, few Blades!