Saturday, 15 January 2011

EIR Infantry Finally Finished!

Good afternoon,

Well, I've finally done it. I've finally finished the last of my EIR infantry.

After, stink, 20 years, I've almost got an EIR army that I'm pretty pleased with.

Now just to finish the Cav...and the Art...



  1. Thanks boys, yeah, I'm pretty pleased with them.

    Hopefully I'll have the whole lot finished by the end of next week.

    I've just got two [Command] Cav elements and two Carroballista to do.


  2. Nice work Nick! I can hear the champagne corks popping at De Ludis towers all the way from here. Now all you need to do is rebase them for Impetus...

  3. Thanks Alan, but no. I've been thinking about it all day, and, no. I'll use that 15mm Sabot base (with stats attached) idea.

    I can't even double/quad 'em up onto 120mm wide sabot - I've only got 15 Bd elements completed, and only 9 Ax. So the 80mm wide sabots are the way to go.



  4. Yeah, to be honest the sabots are great. Removes the need to keep looking up stats, especially when you have an army made up of lots of diverse troops. I'll probably rebase a few armies so long as I don't have to paint additional figures to complete them.

  5. Actually Alan, even though the 15mm BD sabots are a great idea, I've just gone over the BI list again, and I don't need as many units as I thought.

    The EIRs for BI only need 3 units of legionaries - that's only 12 Bd elements. I can do that!

    They'll only need 2 units of Auxilia - 8 elements. I can do that too.

    In fact, by building double DBA armies + extras to spin them out to 1000 pts for WMA I've got enough elements for most of my Classical armies to sabot four elements for every BI unit.


