Sunday, 16 January 2011

Skellie Behemoth Finished

Good afternoon,

Stan came round for a cup of tea (and delivered some bases) and I proudly showed off my painted Skellie Behemoth. He mentioned that this beastie looked like it was chewing on something, and suggested that I give it something to chew on. What a frightfully good idea. And so I did.

It's gnawing on the other half of the poor HaT Numidian 'pony' (they're really too big to be ponies, but there you go) that was left over from the Early German Dragon base.




  1. EEEwwwww... good work....Numidian pony eh? I'll just have to remember not to use Numidians against it!!!! LOL .... "VSF shooters take one step forward". "'ere what, you mean me???" "Yes you laddie!!!" "But but but.....sar'major, it's very biiiig!!!!"

  2. All the better to stomp you with, my dear...

  3. Very cool idea making him eating somebody. But where will his food go after he swallows?

  4. Ha! That's a good point you raise Andrew.

    I guess it all just falls out again once he's chewed on it a bit! Doing his bit for the environment - speeding up the decomposition process, so to speak!


