To further Robin's annoyance at incomplete elements (see his comment on the Early German post), here are a couple of shots of my 54mm Plastic [Toy] Roman who I'm using as my 20mm Marian and EIR (and Polybian and Camillan, and hey, any Classical/Helenistic Greek) HOTT God element before I actually managed to finish his base...
He's getting cozy with my Late Republican/Marian Roman General element for my, well Late Rebublican/Marian Roman DBA army.
I just painted his flesh shades of red. That's a pile of spare shields, spears and swords at his feet.
Here is a shot of one of the [so far few] battles he's been in. Going against a Lost World Magician General who was up hill. Suffice to say Mars was done like a dinner!
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