Monday, 27 April 2015

ANZAC X Wing Game 2

X Wings vs Han and Zeds.

vs. Blair, the son of the owner of the shop. Probably the game I enjoyed the most. Not that the others weren't all top blokes, but this one came right down to the wire...

Having been given a bye for the second round, and receiving 5 and 150 points for my lack of efforts there of (don't ask me how it works), my next draw was against Blair, the son of the owner of Wizard's Retreat. Blair was flying a list that had actually won the 2014 worlds...

Hmmm, thought I...

So, well, I set up in the opposite corner, hoping to get the Falcon to fly to me through the asteroids.

And it worked. Blair ran the Falcon onto a 'roid. Which, as well as costing Blair a shield, meant I was able to take pieces out of him without Han shooting back. And as Wedge was flying Veteran Instincts, he was able to take away Han's one evade die, which meant that Blair couldn't use 3CPO for the potential second evade.


Next round Han and Wedge go head to head...which was a bit of a poo, seeing as I needed Wedge to take every shot he could...


...the Rookie finally earned his stripes.

It was about time that Han was down to only one hull point. (Young Blair had forgotten to use R2 to regain shields when he had no hull damage, and then, when he did, he turned up a double hit! Add that to another double hit crit that got through courtesy of the X Wings, and, well...)


...the destruction didn't didn't all go the one way. Han takes out the other Rookie in a fit of pique.

A bit of zipping thither and yon ensued...

...with Han dodging all attacks directed his way...all while Wedge was pointing the wrong way...

...before Garven flies a little close to the sun. Or son. Han's got to have parents, right?

And still Han lives!

But not for very much longer! Wedge finally takes out Han on the very last turn of the game, time having been called just as we picked up our dials.

Whoo hoo! I beat a 9 year old! What a man am I!!

Thanks for the game Blair, it was a lot of fun.


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